Destroy the Wall to be a VIP


Creator: cole
Updated: 4 years ago
Favorited: 41 times
Visited: 376 times
DUH! It's back! Yayz. Have fun. RULES: No teamkilling, spawn killing, destroying parked vehicles, and no abusing weapons. VIPs ARE allowed to kill starters, because that's what they're SUPPOSED to do.
Destroy the Wall to be a VIP
 Public Copy Protection: CopyLocked


Comments (10)

Posted 3 years ago by RedBrix
how did you find the ship with the plane tool?
Posted 3 years ago by Bright
how do you fire with the tank and planes?
Posted 3 years ago by mistermoldy
10 years later here I am...
Posted 3 years ago by tntexplorer77
epik :)
Posted 4 years ago by tib0089
Good times
Posted 4 years ago by Robloeii1
j mpwf (Decode it in Ceasar Cipher Shift 1)
Posted 4 years ago by doop999
E mail won't verify.
Posted 4 years ago by elek2007
pretty cool
Posted 4 years ago by Deathlocksan
this made me shit my pants
Posted 4 years ago by YouAreHaxx0rz
I like it!