Bonzi Buddy says Hi!

Bonzi Buddy says Hi!

GoodBlox T-Shirt

Tx: 1

G$: 1
Updated: 3 years ago
Favorited: 1 times
Bonzi will say hi whenever you want!


Comments (34)

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Posted 3 years ago by misterbruh
noob ad is dumb
Posted 3 years ago by awesomesauce901
what is this??
Posted 3 years ago by clickbait
just shut the fuck up, you ####
Posted 3 years ago by sticko
stop u idoet
Posted 3 years ago by Snipers
Posted 3 years ago by garry
i love it, 10/1000000. the ads are amazing
Posted 3 years ago by sticko
Posted 3 years ago by Imdone13
Imagine spending money advertising this.
Posted 3 years ago by sticko
stop u ideot
Posted 3 years ago by sticko
bad ad bad
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