Basic BrickBattle Arena


Creator: Bulletproof
Updated: 4 years ago
Favorited: 4 times
Visited: 13 times
This is the default BrickBattle Arena. Play it and show me some support. And always remember, if you think your lonely, don’t worry! I’m here! Okay, thanks! <3
Basic BrickBattle Arena
 Public Copy Protection: CopyLocked


Comments (12)

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Posted 3 years ago by Poman
Using starter place for revenue. Not cool.
Posted 3 years ago by Flameboy96
this is lazy af
Posted 3 years ago by Bulletproof
Yes I need helpppp
Posted 3 years ago by LRC
help him.
Posted 3 years ago by AttMana
this is lazy.
Posted 3 years ago by Bulletproof
Thanks for all the visits! <3
Posted 3 years ago by ekic
Posted 3 years ago by coolplayer12
wow this game is old roblox i like this one
Posted 3 years ago by Bulletproof
Posted 3 years ago by Bulletproof
Okay, find :(
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