Baseplate & Testing Server


Creator: tetrisplayer
Updated: 4 years ago
Favorited: 9 times
Visited: 160 times
Baseplate & Testing Server
 Public Copy Protection: CopyLocked


Comments (21)

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Posted 3 years ago by LRC
5th game on goodblox
Posted 4 years ago by tetrisplayer
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Posted 4 years ago by BL0X
epic test game. 10/10 would recommend playing.
Posted 4 years ago by cytv
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Posted 4 years ago by Facts
this is the only game that it lets me play
Posted 4 years ago by ELINEK321
KJF? i meet him in game!
Posted 4 years ago by Colin
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Posted 4 years ago by lollolman
report abuse
Posted 4 years ago by 10dusty
Contenuto Eliminato
Posted 4 years ago by white
content gone
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