Ultra Desert Paintball


Creator: STAFF
Updated: 3 years ago
Favorited: 24 times
Visited: 211 times
Ultra Desert Paintball: This is a Capture the Flag game where teams avoid being bloxxed by their opponents as they race for the flag to bring it back to their base. Along the way, you might find special items to help you out, such as a medical kit. Good luck!
Ultra Desert Paintball
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Comments (20)

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Posted 4 years ago by AdminStorage
Go to the discord server
Posted 4 years ago by Nightly
how do you download the client?
Posted 4 years ago by bucket
Posted 4 years ago by Facts
yes there is a client
Posted 4 years ago by Corns
[ Content Deleted ]
Posted 4 years ago by Zakaranda
Posted 4 years ago by Facts
Posted 4 years ago by Zangoose
the poop ball tournament
Posted 4 years ago by Person
please do what the gentleman below me said
Posted 4 years ago by TehNoobShow
fall from the stairs adn die
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