Super Minigames **NEW UPDATES!**


Creator: Jiquor
Updated: 4 years ago
Favorited: 58 times
Visited: 1146 times
Welcome to Super Minigames, originally by ICE128, fixed by Jiquor! Chat 'reset minigames' to vote a reset if it breaks. Select the spectate tool to stop playing while you're in the lobby.
Super Minigames **NEW UPDATES!**
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Comments (35)

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Posted 4 years ago by nailozaz
:( rip i'm on mobile
Posted 4 years ago by Modz
you can't play..
Posted 4 years ago by Harryd72011
it works but says error occurred
Posted 4 years ago by Harryd72011
we cant verify email guys!!
Posted 4 years ago by windowsxp10k
Posted 4 years ago by SuperMario
Posted 4 years ago by Diu
oh hi
Posted 4 years ago by zereth
we have our reasons..
Posted 4 years ago by CustardPuff
Pretty fun game, everyone picked Teapot though!
Posted 4 years ago by BloxCat0503
great game i faved
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