FNaF GoodBlox


Creator: worldcash2
Updated: 3 years ago
Favorited: 77 times
Visited: 830 times
A FNaF1 map in an old Roblox style with working animatronics and a night system. UPDATE: Decorated the map! May decorate it more in the future.
FNaF GoodBlox
 Public Copy Protection: CopyLocked


Comments (27)

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Posted 3 years ago by Goodbloxer
<a href='/my/discord'>Goodbloxer</a>
Posted 3 years ago by HumanoidEntity
10/10 epic game
Posted 3 years ago by jsd
[ Content Deleted ]
Posted 3 years ago by rocco
this is super fun
Posted 3 years ago by Gamer101
####ed my pants
Posted 3 years ago by Goodbloxer
I stille get scarpe lol
Posted 3 years ago by Planetax6060
Posted 3 years ago by PixelMaster
that screeching sound is horrible tune it down
Posted 3 years ago by swag1man999
Fay Nites @ Freedy's
Posted 3 years ago by Mlaofmd
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