Goodblox Town


Creator: super163
Updated: 3 years ago
Favorited: 55 times
Visited: 1436 times
Don't delete other peoples builds or the letters fat :( Reverted to an older version but will add the new builds later
Goodblox Town
 Public Copy Protection: CopyLocked


Comments (22)

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Posted 3 years ago by COOLDOMINUS
finally i cant play
Posted 3 years ago by super163
it's fine, i dont update it anymore
Posted 3 years ago by CoolDude124
your game got hacked
Posted 3 years ago by 6bz
Hey, at least GoodBlox doesn't hate towns!
Posted 3 years ago by super163
I'm back !
Posted 3 years ago by alefdavibrPRO0
Posted 3 years ago by COOLDOMINUS
Mom of sevenlegs
Posted 3 years ago by fhb
I like it
Posted 3 years ago by Midir
good game
Posted 3 years ago by deyari316
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