tetanus shirt

tetanus shirt

GoodBlox Shirt

Tx: 7

G$: 15000
Updated: 3 years ago
Favorited: 2 times
pant: https://goodblox.xyz/Item.aspx?ID=9613


Comments (15)

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Posted 3 years ago by lezis
15000? thats too cheap, up the price
Posted 3 years ago by Gamer101
cheese holes
Posted 3 years ago by cool32
fine then its 7 now
Posted 3 years ago by RunnerBlox
9 tix? thats very expensive for one simple shirt
Posted 3 years ago by Nibsin
Too much robux =(
Posted 3 years ago by Nostrum
15000 goodbux
Posted 3 years ago by turkeylegs
no 9 tix that is too much plz make it cheaper :(
Posted 3 years ago by sticko
soo much expensive more less
Posted 3 years ago by p1e
hahaha I got it free trolled
Posted 3 years ago by cool32
alright its 9 tix now are you happy
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