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  Viewing User Profile for: ultrakirby111
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Joined: 08-17-2020 10:49 AM
Last Login: 08-17-2020 10:49 AM
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 Post Statistics
ultrakirby111 has contributed to 10 out of 30,067 total posts (0.03% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
dev journal 12/24/2020 5:07:42 PM   (Total replies: 0)
I tried viewing an event thing but the post said i needed to enter my password to view it but that wont work

Problems with download 12/8/2020 8:05:11 PM   (Total replies: 2)
I downloaded goodblox but it only downloaded studio and not client. Please help.

Re: Client issues (Updated!) 12/8/2020 11:37:02 AM   (Total replies: 0)
Thanks for telling me how to fix it! :D

Goodblox wont work 12/7/2020 12:16:29 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I downloaded to goodblox thing and try to play games but whenever I try to play games it does not work

Re: last one 12/7/2020 12:15:27 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Take this report scammer

Re: Won't download 8/20/2020 1:57:28 PM   (Total replies: 0)
It says that it is a trojan virus

Re: I need help 8/20/2020 12:28:38 PM   (Total replies: 0)
That is happening to me also

Have any of you read the sonic idw comics? 8/20/2020 11:28:21 AM   (Total replies: 1)
They are really good comics! The author does really well with writing! You shoul read them!

Goodblox is cool! 8/20/2020 11:26:01 AM   (Total replies: 1)
I really like how it is built! It is almost exactly like old roblox!

Won't download 8/20/2020 11:22:12 AM   (Total replies: 2)
When I try to download goodblox it will say "Download Canceled: Virus Detected" What do I do?

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